
 Marley Roane (SHE/THEY)

  • 200hr YTT

  • Enrolled in "Reaching in, Reaching out" trauma-informed anti-oppression practices for Yoga through New Leaf

  • ENROLLED IN Yin training with Bernie Clark

  • ENROLLED IN 300hr ytt

Born and raised in Northern Canada, Marley was impacted by the value of community and connection from a young age. Spending her late teen years and 20's with the effects of trauma and mental illness she learned the power of vulnerability and authenticity in her own healing and to build deeper connections with those around her. Over the years so many people and therapists had asked her "have you tried yoga?" to which she wanted to give two mighty middle fingers - Yes, she had "tried" yoga, taking classes here and there but never committing fully as she felt out of place and unworthy and never felt the benefits that everyone talked about. After a lifetime of high impact sports like hockey, roller derby and muay thai she came to the realization that already vibrating at a higher stress frequency - the physical activity of these sports was good but wasn't influencing her nervous system in ways that she needed. So she commited to yoga. After several months, she was flowing in a group class and the teacher brought them into "Wild thing" - the first time she had ever done this posture. It hit her like a ton of bricks: this. THIS. This was what people were talking about when they said "hAvE YOu tRiED YogA". This feeling of love, contentment, joy, wholeness, centered, and so many other adjectives. And she started to cry (dont worry! in a good way!). It was right then and there she knew she had to share this gift with others - moving your body, connecting to your breath and being in the now. Marley really wants to share the message that yoga is for everybody, and every body! She loves to meet you where you're at mentally, emotionally and physically and all she asks is for non judgement of yourself - we are all in this together! Let's move and smile together!

What character would you play in a movie?

Jyn Erso in Rogue One. She puts behind a checkered past by lending her skills to a greater cause!

What’s the chorus of your all time favourite song?

Oh boy, music is a huge part of my life and my favourite song changes a lot. My son is named after the lead singer of the band Converge, and that band was pivotal in my teens/twenties so I'll go with these lyrics from "Axe to Fall": I need to learn to love me

What is a place you think everyone should visit?

Northern Canada: the open skies, the sun barely setting in the summer, the northern lights, the smell of the tundra and muskeg - heaven is a place on earth.

Has a stranger ever changed your life?

When I first moved to Vancouver from Florida when I was 22, I was sleeping on someone's couch and barely had two pennies to rub together. I took my last 10$ to a market in the Downtown East Side to get some veggies and pasta to try to stretch it out. When I came out, an older man was standing outside and told me he was waiting for me. I was super skeptical and tried to laugh him off and leave - he handed me a $100 bill and told me that my light was worthy and I was destined to do good things, then turned around and walked away. I was in a place of such brokeness financially, physically, emotionally and mentally - and his action and words planted a seed that over the next decade I learned to nurture and believe.
