

  • 200hr Yoga + Fitness + Meditation

  • Community connector + Healthy Living Coach 

Kleyra Gonzalez is a yoga and fitness instructor in the BC lower mainland. She strives to connect her community by promoting health and wellness to people of all ages and backgrounds. Kleyra utilizes her degree in business PR and experience as a trainer to deliver a meaningful practice and message on and off the mat.

Her passion for giving back to the community, building relationships and healing grew immensely as she discovered herself through creating shapes, sweating, and breathing with herself and sharing space with others. Kleyra currently teaches all over Greater Vancouver, Calgary and she started making her way into Toronto! Kleyra’s classes are welcoming, authentic, wholehearted and challenging. Her high-energy, smile and encouraging words will keep you moving, feeling centred and supported when stepping on your mat or in a room; creating a safe space to fully immerse into your body, mind and soul.

What character would you play in a movie?

Boo from Monsters Inc. 

What fast food restaurant are you most likely to drive through? What’s would you order? 

McDonalds - McDouble meal - supersize fries with extra hot mustard dip. 

When was the last time you surprised yourself? 

Raising money for Eastside Boxing Club Community initiatives through fight training. I surpassed the min. goal in 1 month through the support of my community. Never did I think I would challenge myself by going through an intensive box training program to step into the ring. The challenges I faced were very humbling and now here I am today sharing my growth and passion with my partner through our aggressive meditation class. Putting two passions in one. 

