• E-RYT 200


I have spent a very large majority of my life as a dancer. After high school, I was a part of Harbour Dance Centre’s Intensive Training Program & then the Source Dance Company. When I am dancing, I feel like the most raw & genuine version of myself.

I have experimented with many careers, trying to find where I happily fit. Dancing, Social Media & Online Marketing, Dental Assisting… & I am now an E-RYT200 & NASM Certified Personal Trainer!

Because I have spent a majority of my life focused on movement with my physical body, when I began my yoga teacher training in 2017 I was surprised to be falling completely in love with the spiritual/philosophical aspects of yoga. I completed my 200hr certification under Melanie Palis with Oxygen Yoga & Fitness. I began teaching right away, eager to share my love of yoga with others.

My intention as a yoga teacher is to bring students into their physical bodies as well as to tune inward to their energetic body/spirit. I teach asana in combination with yoga philosophy & pranayama to connect students to themselves on a deeper, more connected level.

My intention as a human is to bring a little bit of sunshine & light to everything I do. To continue to be curious, to learn & to grow.

As child, what did you think you wanted to be?

A princess... how hilariously embarrassing.

What fast food restaurant are you most likely to drive through? What’s would you order? 

Is Starbucks fast food? I'm in their drive through all the time these days... 

Either a venti guava white tea lemonade- half sweet with light ice OR a grande iced almond chai- half sweet.

What is something you strongly dislike that most people love?

Coffee. Kombucha. Vegetables. Salsa. Eggs. Sauce. This list should be endless hahaha.

When was a time you surprised yourself? 

The entire COVID pandemic!

I live a scheduled/organized/planned life & I don't generally love change...

But I have been feeling (mostly) really good & okay with no plan, no set schedule, not knowing the answers, riding the ebbing & flowing wave of change. 

Is there a feeling you miss?  

How I feel when I am dancing... I don't create enough time to do this anymore. 

Being completely lost in dance/movement and performing on stage are feelings that I have never felt doing anything else.

What question are you trying to answer most in your life right now? 

Who I am without my physical body... who I am as an emotional body/on an emotional level. Not that I am searching for the answer but trying to allow life to shed light on it.

What is Kelsey up to next?
You can find Kelsey at her studio space in Ladner on Friday mornings, teaching outdoor group fitness classes and personal training in Tsawwassen. She's open and excited for whatever's next!
