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  • ERYT 200

  • YTT 300

Hadis is a creative yoga teacher from Iran. She infuses modern flow with classic tantric yoga practices to help busy people reconnect to their heart and soul through the wisdom of the body.

Her yoga classes are light-hearted invitations to practice on the mat what we preach to the world by stabilizing and harmonizing our inner and outer experiences.

Hadis has brought her light to yoga studios across the city since 2015 and is excited to offer her experiences and guidance with "On and Off the Mat with friends" community.

What do you think your phone wallpaper would tell us about you? 

My phone wallpaper has been a baby photo of myself for the past little while and the intention behind it is for me to practice love and compassion towards myself at all times. It has been a great little reminder throughout the day as I see it everyone I use my phone and has shifted my way of thinking and decision making drastically.

If you had to design a playground for adults, what is one thing you’d put in/on it? 

Lol. I would put comfortable cushions and yoga mats . For me, my yoga mat is my playground and I feel immensely free when I’m on it. I like for other adults to also connect to the free child within when they see their yoga mats and know that they can do whatever they want and be whomever they want to be without judgment or attachment.

What lesson took you the longest to unlearn?

Ahhh this one hit the spot for me. The lesson that I need to have a title, have certain things or be at an specific place or position to be worthy . I believe it was rooted in the trauma of not being enough or feeling worthy just the way I am and where I am in my life. I can whole heartedly say that I have done strong work to realize where that pattern is coming from and to create a healthy new way of being to replace that. Past few years, I have leaned so much into accepting that who I am , where I am and what I do is ENOUGH without regretting the past or attaching to the result of what future can bring
