• 200HR YTT

  • BACHELOR OF kinesiology

What do you think your phone wallpaper would tell us about you?

I love dogs! My current wallpaper has shiba inus all over it and my last wallpaper was a pug doing yoga. I’m a dog lady!

What is something you strongly dislike that most people love? 

Chocolate...I’m a gummy candy person

What lesson took you the longest to unlearn?

I wouldn’t say I had to unlearn, but rather I’ve had to learn that it’s ok and normal to set boundaries with myself and say no! I’ve always been the kind of person to agree to and take on whatever is asked of me and I end up with way too much on my plate and am left feeling overwhelmed. Not just with work but with friends and family too! Learning to allow myself time and space for me and not feel guilty about it. 

What is Emily up to post REAL TIME with On and Off the Mat with Friends?

Keep your eyes opened for what Emily is up to on Instagram. You’ll be be able to find her teaching event style classes at Kelsey Neilsen’s studio space in Ladner!
